Universo Nintendo

Famitsu 1552: Confira as notas dadas pela revista

A edição semanal da revista Famitsu divulgou hoje as notas concedidas pelos quatro analistas aos jogos listados abaixo.

Confira abaixo:

  • Notas
The Count Lucanor
Nintendo Switch
7 8 7 6 28/40
Dimension Drive
Nintendo Switch
7 7 7 8 29/40
Fernz Gate
Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
7 7 7 6 27/40
Friday the 13th: The Game
PlayStation 4
7 7 7 6 27/40
The Disappearing of Gensokyo
PlayStation 4
6 6 7 6 25/40
Nintendo Switch
7 6 7 7 29/40
SNK Heroines: Tag team Frenzy
Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4
7 8 8 8 31/40
The VideoKid
Nintendo Switch
7 7 8 7 29/40
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner – MARS
PlayStation 4
8 8 8 8 32/40
Fonte Ryokutya2089
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